
The TCIA has 5 levels of accreditation which are split into two streams – representing the indoor and outdoor environments. These are Indoor Climbing Guide (ICG), Abseil Guide (AG), Top Rope Guide (TRG), Single Pitch Guide (SPG) and Multi Pitch Guide (MPG).

  • Indoor Climbing Guide (ICG)
    • Can run indoor climbing wall sessions only
    • Cannot run outdoor abseiling or climbing sessions without additional qualifications
  •  Abseiling Guide (AG) [formerly BAI]
    • Can run abseiling sessions using fixed protection such as trees, boulders, fixed bolts and in-situ anchors must have good top and bottom access.
    • Cannot run abseiling sessions using artificial protection, eg cams/hexes
    • Cannot run top rope climbing or indoor climbing wall sessions
  • Top Rope Guide (TRG) [formerly TRA]
    • Can run abseiling sessions using fixed protection such as trees, boulders, fixed bolts and in-situ anchors must have good top and bottom access.
    • Can run Top rope climbing sessions to a maximum length of 30m must have easy top and bottom access
    • Cannot run indoor climbing wall sessions without ICG qualification
    • Cannot guide single-pitch or multi-pitch climbs or multi-pitch abseil descents
  • Single Pitch Guide (SPG)
    • Can run abseiling and top rope climbing sessions using fixed, natural and artificial protection
    • Can guide single-pitch climbs to a maximum length of 30m must have easy access to the bottom of the cliff.
    • Cannot run indoor climbing wall sessions without ICG qualification
    • Cannot guide multi-pitch climbs or multi-pitch abseil descents
  • Multi Pitch Guide (MPG)
    • Can run abseiling and top rope climbing sessions using fixed, natural and artificial protection
    • Can guide on multi-pitch climbs and multi-pitch abseil descents
    • Cannot run indoor climbing wall sessions without ICG qualification
Definition of easy access – You MUST be able to walk safely and unaided to escape should you need to.  

ICG is a qualification in its own stream, in recognition of the specific skills and knowledge required to operate safely in the indoor climbing environment.

The outdoor climbing qualifications of AG, TRG, SPG and MPG build on the skills and knowledge of the levels before them, and as such, a prospective TCIA guide/instructor must be assessed at each level prior to moving to the next qualification.