Code of Ethics and Conduct

The Tasmanian Climbing Instructors Association (TCIA) requires all of its members to be ethical and professional in the conduct of their business, professional and personal lives. This Code of Ethics applies to all members of the TCIA, including qualified guides, instructors, aspirants, and students (Members).
All personal objectives and the objectives of our clients must be subordinate to the safety and care of our clients.

The safety of the public is our concern, and where possible and practical, we must provide assistance to those having difficulty by offering help which is appropriate under the circumstances and if it does not compromise the safety of our clients.

Our clients have the right to expect us to be up-to-date on the latest methods and techniques and to use appropriate and well-functioning equipment.

We must always be aware of our own physical, technical, and experiential limitations. We must use routes and terrain that are within our expertise and capabilities.

As TCIA guides, whether qualified, aspirant, or student, and as instructors and Members, we are expected to teach and practice Leave No Trace principles at all times.

At all times, we represent the TCIA and should conduct ourselves in a manner that reflects well on the TCIA. This applies not only on TCIA courses, but anytime we are interacting with clients, the public, or others including government agencies and private entities. We must work within the framework of the TCIA Accreditation guidelines and principles. This includes accurately and unambiguously representing the level of our certification to clients, government agencies, the public, and others.

As TCIA instructors and guides, whether qualified, aspirant, or student, and as Members, we are expected to work within the permit, certification, and aspirant requirements of the State of Tasmania. We are also required to obey all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to our guiding, instruction or other activities. TCIA Members should represent themselves fairly and adequately.

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